What do you want from your God(s)?

There’s the concepts people have of God or Gods and there is religion and teachings about good and evil. There’s the quest to be closer to God or Gods, but I want to ask a simple question:

What do you want from your God or Gods? I mean that straightforward. Everyone who wants to be involved with God or Gods in any ways wants something from their God or Gods. So I ask: What do you want?

I ask this because, don’t you think, to be fair to your God or Gods, that you should know what you really, truly want? Otherwise aren’t you just involving your God or Gods in some kind of drama that is your own making, because you never really admitted, thought about, or fully accepted whatever it is you really want from her, him, or them?

And I don’t mean to limit any possibilities about what can be, what can be obtained or experienced with any God or Gods. Perhaps they are so wonderful, blessed, and amazing that simply abiding in their presence is everything.

I know what I personally would like from at least some of my Gods: I would like to be their friend. I would like to know them. To be with them. To experience things with them. I would even like to love them in every way possible if I can. But more than anything I would like to be their friend, just as anyone is a friend.

All I’m saying is that for me, personally, I want to feel close to my Gods. It would never be enough for me to sit in some pew before an alter on my knees praying to him or her. I would like to laugh, dance, sing; to experience the wonder, fascination, and mystery of creation with my Gods.

I would like to go to sleep at night with the brilliant golden radiance still glowing within me and wake up each day looking forward to the next adventure or experience.


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