The Wisdom Diet

It works! It really works! And its pure! And its ecological!

This morning I weighed myself and my weight is the same as it was when I was 16!

Many people, as they age, they go in the wrong direction. They gain weight. They become less healthy. Things go wrong.

But not with me! I’m going in the right direction. I’m losing weight that I never thought I would lose: that bad type of fat around the abdomen which seemed to pretty much always be there even if I was avidly working out. I’m becoming more healthy. Things are going right.

I don’t believe in what is considered normal aging. I think its a myth. I think it is an informational sickness that manifests grossly.

Researchers keep finding out that DNA has all these amazing abilities that had not previously been thought possible. I believe that anyone following the Wisdom Diet has all this power and more. Its about control of your destiny at the level of DNA in your body to the macroscopic levels of the ecological web of life that you are a part of. Its all connected, and the Wisdom Diet is a simple, pure, wholesome, easy-to-follow diet that only requires dedication.

The Wisdom Diet – also called the Agnitarian Diet – is essentially a vegan, whole-grain, sattvic, no-refined-carbs diet. It is called Agnitarian because it represents the ultimate evolution of -arianism, progressing to the highest level where it basically all becomes about the sacred fire as nourishment.

Sacred fire is what you need. Everything else is like an illusion. Ultimately when you purify, you will become closer and closer to the sacred fire in your diet. It is called the Wisdom Diet because you arrive at wisdom. You progress over time to more and more pure, wholesome, profoundly intense levels until you arrive at great wisdom and you’re completely connected.

One thing I’m noticing about the Wisdom Diet is the loss of all fear. There’s so much unconscious fear that is connected with diet. Arriving at wisdom suddenly all fear is lost and its amazing and beautiful. I no longer need to be afraid. I have arrived at light and I am become light.