Vastly enhance oatmeal (or any other porridge)

Add whole flax seeds!

Maybe some people already know this, but not until very recently did the idea occur to me to add some whole flax seeds to my oatmeal. I’ve used flax seeds as a sprinkle on top of things like salads or grain dishes like rice or quinoa. But I never thought of adding them to oatmeal and cooking them.

It turns out that the oatmeal is completely transformed by adding flax seeds. The flavor is so much better and I’m sure the nutritional value is increased because of the flax seeds.

Today I added some flax seeds to amaranth and the result was again excellent.

I’m using the whole seeds, not ground seeds, with the thought that the whole seed will better maintain its nutrition when being cooked. I do know that its much better to also store flax seeds whole and not ground as the ground ones will oxidize quickly and lose their nutritional value.


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