Zesty, full-bodied, gratifying quinoa seasoning combination

As everyone probably knows, quinoa is one of the trickiest foods to season because of its unique characteristics. It is not like rice at all, so all the things that would normally be done to season rice don’t really apply to it.

For example, no one really adds oil to quinoa. Likewise it is not stir-fried.

When I see how quinoa is prepared by others there are some things I notice: people tend to add kale to it. Also, raisins may be added or bits of fresh mango. I’m sure there are recipes for other things also to be added.

What about seasoning and spices? Mostly I haven’t seen quinoa prepared with a lot of spices. I’ve been gradually experimenting to try and see exactly what spices, if any, “click” with quinoa. Today I think I found a good combination: the three C’s: chlorella, curry, and coriander.

For some reason adding equal parts of (organic) curry powder and coriander powder gives a much richer flavor than using either alone. But I also add a generous amount of chlorella and like to sprinkle in a few fresh walnuts. I also use some pink sea salt.

This particular seasoning combination really gives the quinoa a zesty, full-bodied, and highly gratifying flavor. Coriander + curry has a zesty taste that is almost like cheese but in fact way better and of course healthier.

Unfortunately I don’t have the ingredient list for the curry powder at hand, but the primary notes are the standard ingredients of turmeric, cumin, and black mustard seed.

UPDATE: Here are the ingredients of the curry powder. It already has coriander in it so what this recipe does then is just amplify it to make it the dominant flavor. I also see that there’s no black mustard in this mixture so it may be interesting to try adding some in the future.


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