My Philosophy About Running

I thought I would take this opportunity to chime in regarding my observations and thoughts regarding running – specifically, outdoor running through the city. Running outdoors through a city, where one potentially encounters many people who are also out, is different than, say, running on a treadmill in a gym, or running on a secluded dirt trail somewhere.

One therefore might want to take different things into consideration when running outdoors through a city. For example, since one is going to be visible, more thought might be given to how one presents oneself to others. While it might not be an issue if you have a slightly hanging out gut, look disheveled, or otherwise appear in a manner which might affect others, one can take that into consideration. Especially in a city where there is a high likelihood that some of the people one might encounter or pass are models, actors or actresses, etc.

We all know the extent to which models such as those for Victoria’s Secret keep their bodies fit and in shape, by having calorie-restricted diets and high levels of fitness activity all the time. So, if you go out running looking like a slob, people are bound to look and perhaps think “What a slob!” or “How disgusting!” or perhaps just laugh or mock.

It is with all these considerations in mind that I would like to chime in with my particular take on it all, and what it means to really be a runner. In short, here is my philosophy:


And that, my readers, is really it. Because that is all there is to it. Either you get out, you hit your feet on the pavement and run, or you do not. Running is about connecting with Earth, connecting with your body, and for me at least also connecting in a major way with Divinity. Running is a sacred communion which our poor aching Earth would benefit from many, many more humans partaking of.

And run however you want. I personally enjoy wearing as little clothing as necessary (read: short tights and sports bra) when I run because it feels good. Perhaps I’m feeling bloated or whatever before I go running. It doesn’t matter. Running should be about total acceptance.

Maybe there are weird people who cannot accept people running based on their appearance. That is really, truly sad for them. And people who think there has to be some kind of standard of beauty or whatever – that is just ridiculous. All I can say is that not running, not connecting with Earth, not engaging in sacred communion is ugly.


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