fish, then tofu…

A few days ago I did something I haven’t done in a long time. I bought a small amount of fresh, wild salmon and ate it. I prefer not to cook it. I dipped it in tamari sauce and it was excellent.

Because fish is such an intense food I will not eat it every day. I like to have a break of at least one or more days in-between.

Here’s a tip for the in-between days: Have tofu! People often forget that tofu is an excellent food if prepared well. I take a block of tofu then cut slices from it which are about an inch wide and maybe 1/4 inch thick, then lay the strips in my wok and let them cook a long time on a medium or medium-low setting. You can use sesame oil to impart flavor to it (or not, I don’t use any oil actually, just the seasoning of what is already on the wok).

Tonight I had salsa on my tofu. Another idea would be guacamole or pesto. Some type of coconut curry would be excellent. Chipotle powder is great. Etc!

Tofu makes a great meal for those off days when you want to switch your diet and complements fish.


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