
So the Norovirus, which one researcher calls “Ferrari of viruses” has been in the news.  Its been spreading rapidly around the world.  It seems like every time there’s a major outbreak like this, I get it right away.  When the swine flu was going around I got it right away and think I may have had it twice.  Thank you grubby livestock industry for that one.

I got the Norovirus four days ago and initially thought it was food poisoning.  No vomiting but I did have strong nauseau which led me to think it was something I ate.  It definitely wreaks havoc on the intestines and I’ve found that taking frequent enemas to keep my system cleaned out helps.  So does soaking in hot salt baths.

My hunger has been diminished and when I do eat I have to be careful to eat only extremely gentle foods.  It has felt like a major effort for my body to be able to process food.  The other night I had an energy bar which was a mistake.  Too heavy.  Better is things like watery rice porridge, celery which I love, soup, steamed veggies, and limited fruit.  Yes even fruit like tangerines feels heavy to my system.

Today was my first time out on my bicycle and I was surprised at how winded I was after even just a little pedaling.  The virus took a lot out of me but I’m really glad its almost over and my strength is returning.

Most of the time I had this virus it wasn’t too bad, unlike with influena.  As long as I took it easy, remaining in bed, and rested I felt alright.  But as soon as I tried to do anything, like even just getting up to make tea, I felt exhausted and it took major effort.  Its times like this that I’m glad to have my fansubbed jdrama download collection.  I just watched the cutest series called “Ataru” which was kind of a detective series with a twist.


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