Significantly reduce bathroom mold

Bathroom mold is a serious problem particularly in places like San Francisco which can frequently be cool and damp. I learned this tip from my parents actually: Use a bathroom squeegee.

After every shower use the squeegee to remove water droplets adhering to the tiles and along the rim of the tub (or along the shower door if there is one).

Not only is this the most significant thing that can be done to reduce mold, since it effectively cuts the source of mold which is moisture, you will notice that it keeps the tiles (or door) a lot cleaner too.

The squeegee method is so effective that I find it is not even necessary to use a bathroom fan, which I sometimes prefer especially when the temperature is cool. That little extra bit of moisture in the air can be comforting in the morning and I don’t like to just suck it all out with the fan.

Another important thing is to stretch out the shower curtain so it has a chance to properly dry and not leave it all scrunched up.