Adult PTSD patients abused as children have distinct genetic marks

A new study just released has found that civilian adults with PTSD who experienced abuse as children have distinct and profound changes in their DNA:

The researchers were surprised to find that although hundreds of genes had significant changes in activity in the PTSD with and without child abuse groups, there was very little overlap in patterns between these groups.  The two groups shared similar symptoms of PTSD, which include intrusive thoughts such as nightmares and flashbacks, avoidance of trauma reminders, and symptoms of hyperarousal and hypervigilance.

The PTSD with child abuse group displayed more changes in genes linked with development of the nervous system and regulation of the immune system, while the PTSD minus child abuse group displayed more changes in genes linked with apoptosis (cell death) and growth rate regulation. In addition, changes in methylation were more frequent in the PTSD with child abuse group.  The authors believe that these biological pathways may lead to different mechanisms of PTSD symptom formation within the brain.

source: PTSD research: distinct gene activity patterns from childhood abuse

It will be interesting to see if these markers will be available to people via commercial genetic testing services like


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