I don’t know if coffee is good or not. I do know that my system does not tolerate even moderate amounts of what is considered normal coffee at any of the plethora of coffee shops that exist everywhere, where it is usually very strong, much stronger than I ever remember it being when I was younger.
It seems like if I take breaks of several days between, I can handle such coffee. But often, even when I tell the barrister to only put so much coffee in my cup – already filled with a generous portion of unsweetened organic soymilk – and fill the rest with hot water, its still too much for my delicate system.
So I decided last week to just order a regular coffee maker. I was looking at the website for Mr. Coffee, whose makers received high ratings from Consumer Reports, and ended up deciding on a basic model, about as basic as it gets:

It arrived today via package delivery and I unboxed it and just ran a first batch. It is so much more mild than the coffee shop coffee. This is the kind of coffee, if I’m going to drink if at all, that I want to drink, and which I prefer anyhow.
I’m guessing that this also is the type of coffee that is probably mentioned in all those studies one reads about – it seems as if there are at least a few per year that come out – which purport to finding various health benefits to drinking coffee – not the really high-powered, ulcer-inducing stuff that is sold in the coffee shops everywhere.
Some examples of scientifically relevant health benefits from coffee which I just pulled from searching Wikipedia and other online sources: lower risk of liver cancer, lower rates of heart failure, lower incidence of depression, protective effects against Parkinson’s, colon cancer preventative effects, and delaying the onset or reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia.
Most of those studies claim that one needs to drink at least several cups per day to get the benefit(s) mentioned. I can see easily drinking several cups of this much more mild and gentle yet still flavorful coffee per day.
I also don’t know exactly what is meant by “cup”. This model is a 5-cup model and earlier for my first test batch I filled the carafe/decanter thing to the 3-cup line and got what to me were two cups.
So far I’m happy that I got my $21 basic coffee maker which even came with a free coffee grinder. I actually was wanting to get a coffee grinder to grind my own flax and chia seeds. I read somehwere recently that some of the grinders which are marketed as being specifically for seeds or herbs are in fact overpriced versions of the exact same models which are used for coffee.
It feels like such a relief to have just regular, normal coffee again! And I don’t have to go out to get it. And the nice scent of freshly-brewing coffee is like aromatherapy.
Oh yeah – and I know that the water I make it with is pure and healthy.
It has now been several days since I started using my $21 coffee maker from Mr. Coffee, and it has made a difference that is orders of magnitude better than before.
You may ask, why didn’t I make my own drip coffee, and the answer is that I did. I have a plastic filter for making drip coffee. But the most critical thing about making coffee is the temperature at which it is brewed. Probably also the rate at which it is brewed – at which water is poured over the grings – is important also.
This is where the little Mr. Coffee machine gets it right. It brews the coffee at exactly the right temperature, at exactly the right rate every time. The coffee is consistently right.
The difference between coffee that is made right like this and coffee that is made too harshly is very large. It is the difference between a beverage which can actually harm the digestive tract, and one that does not.
I have no doubt now that this coffee is definitely the type of coffee that is being mentioned in all those studies. This is what typically has been normal coffee for many decades. Suddenly though with the rise of the chains selling the super-strong coffee, things changed.
For anyone considering giving up their coffee because it is too harsh on their digestive system I highly recommend giving a cheap coffee maker like this a try.
One other thing I noticed: One major sign that this coffee is much healthier than other coffee – when left sitting out for a while it starts to spoil more quickly. That is a really good sign. Generally the more that midichlorians like something the healthier it is.
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