Gentle but effective way to resynchronize

Over time my body’s clock has gotten way off. I live in a noisy environment and the level of disruption can sometimes be traumatic.

I also do love to drink tea which has caffeine. And sometimes late at night I get hungry and feel the need to eat, so my body gets dependent on eating late at night.

I’m also genetically a slow metabolizer of caffeine.

What I’ve noticed is that I often have to go pee many hours after having my last cup of tea, sometimes as much as 8 or even maybe up to 12 hours later.

But I think I may have finally, after years, found a gentle yet stable way to resynchronize:

  1. Only have caffeine in the early morning and none after 10 a.m. The slow caffeine metabolism is one reason, but another one is based on a hypothesis that caffeine may metabolize differently at different times of day. Since the morning is the time of day of highest metabolism, it makes sense to make that the time to have caffeine.
  2. Keeping with the fact that morning is the time of highest metabolism of the body, I’m now having my main meal of the day in the early morning. Previously I would have it in the afternoon or even as late as 10 or 11 pm in the evening.
  3. In addition, I may try to do some type of vigorous activity or at least get some outdoor exposure in the earlier part of the day.

Being out of synchronization can be challenging. It’s not fun being awake late at night and having to pee frequently. I’m a healthy person and my polyuria is not caused by diabetes or some other issue. It’s just related to being unsynchronized.

For years I have found it difficult to stay on a day schedule due to disruptions. But it might be that I’ve finally found a solution.

I will try to keep waking up early and having my main meal of the day early and caffeine before 10 a.m.

I used to really like sipping on tea in the afternoon but have no problem accepting that the human body has limitations which I need to respect.

I may not be able to control a lot of variables in life, but I’m hoping if I can stick to these few things, that it will work.


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