Living in a self-replicating developmentally-disabled shithole

Living in a self-replicating developmentally-disabled brain-damaged shithole. The brain-damage self-selects and self-replicates. Namely, being brain damaged is ideal state for existing in the environment, and self-selects and ensures the entire system continues to self-replicate.

In this environment, if you’re developmentally disabled you are king. And no ‘leaders’ have the courage nor willpower to change anything. In fact, they have powerful incentives to keep things the way they are, to allow the disease to continue, to allow the brain damage to destroy more lives and cause more suffering.

These are the ‘leaders’ in the time we’re living in: Cowards and con artists who profit off the spread of damage and disease, and who will never do what is necessary to stop the disease and stop the spread of damage.

And this is what elites desperately strive to get away from. They pay exorbitant sums of money to prevent their offspring from being exposed to it, from being sucked in to it. And they know full well that that is indeed the nature of it: An abyss which sucks in life and churns out disease and damage.

On top of this you have the cruelty of efficiency. The self-replicating system is subjugated to the most extreme degree to efficiency. Even what seem to individuals – the smallest components of the system – as tiny things, minor inconveniences or violations – when they add up to the scale of billions amount to vast changes in allocation and expenditure of resources, meaning profit.

Behind every little micro-fuckover that you experience there is someone making millions in profit, because that is efficiency. And because of the system’s absolute and abject subjugation to efficiency, this ensures that there will continue to be more acts of fuckover and violation.

Except it’s not real efficiency. Real efficiency would mean optimal life, not degraded life. What is efficient isn’t existence, but profit, a system, a system that’s ultimately antithetical to life.

Yes it allocates bits of life for here and there, especially for the entitled. But there is only one system that’s killing Earth and interestingly it hasn’t changed all that much in hundreds of years. But it has become more efficient.


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