Author: soma
This kind of makes me happy
This is from a video someone posted of the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles, France. It makes me happy to think that this is what was considered beautiful in a European royal court in the late-17th or early-18th century at the peak of the baroque. She does not have enormous boobs and she doesn’t have…
My latest hair routine
This is the latest hair care routine that I’ve been using that seems to be working well. My hair ranges between 2A-C on the front and sides and 3A in the back. If you want to see what these types look like you can check out this site. My hair is also color treated with…
I’m not afraid to be mortal
In rats with irradiated brains, the bundles safeguarded brain structures, reduced inflammation, and preserved cognitive functions compared with rats that didn’t get the cellular cargo, researchers report. The findings, published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences… I’m not afraid to be mortal. I know that the universe loves me deeply. I…
Bean Pasta is Here!
This is a major new development in the world of food and nutrition: Bean pastas. Pastas that are made entirely of beans. Perhaps its not completely new but I’ve only noticed it beginning about a month ago when representatives from one maker of bean-based pastas were at a local store giving away samples. I bought…
Amazing hair product: Coconut Milk Leave-in Conditioning Mist
Alba Botanica Hawaiian Drink it up Coconut Milk Leave-in Conditioning Mist Drink It Up Coconut Milk Mega Moisture pH Balanced No Heavy Silicones, Phthalates, Parabens or Synthetic Fragrances 100% Vegetarian Ingredients I would like to mention this amazing product which is working wonders for my curly hair. My hair is curly but tends to dry…
I love the human body
I love the human body. I love all parts of it. I think they are beautiful. Eyes. Ears. Mouth. Nose. Fingers. Toes. And all other parts as well: Penis. Vagina. Scrotum. Labia. Nipples. Anus. The human body is beautiful. Humans are beautiful. Touching, feeling, exploring, and being tender with the human body is healthy and…
There are nice things I would like to write about and share. But I won’t.
There are nice things I would like to write about. Information about things I would really like to share. But, after making the posts I have on, I will not. If I were to post something about for example an amazing product I tried, who would want to read any kind of endorsement or…
Coming soon: Parbaked coffee flour
A science news article today discusses a new type of flour made from par-baking coffee beans which keeps much more of the beneficial nutritional content. The taste is reportedly pleasant and nutty. The parbaked coffee bean can’t be used to make coffee. It isn’t roasted long enough to develop flavor. Instead Perlman cryogenically mills the…
I just made the most amazing mistake!
Making dinner this evening and I wanted to reheat some grains to go with my tempeh and chana daal. I looked in the fridge and saw that I had a container of millet from the other day, and what I thought was a small container of white rice. I put the “rice” in the rice…