Author: soma

  • Common Ancestors

    There’s a somewhat sad article at about whether crabs feel pain. Actually its more than sad: Its sickening and indicates how arrogant humans can be, particularly those on their mission to mediate what we consider truth via scientific means, instead of listening to wisdom. Yesterday I attended a music recital and there was a…

  • What went through my head today when bicycling through the city

    Today I went for a long bicycle ride through the busy city. It is a busy city, very busy. There are people everywhere. Traffic everywhere. But there are some nice places you can find too. As I was going along, I was aware of all the traffic and the fact that I was basically in…

  • The most full of life and love

    Its hard to get off processed food because we’ve all been used to it being available since we were young. Getting off processed food is like going back in time. Going back before the industrial revolution. Getting back to that basic and most significant and uniquely defining human invention: the pot. Except now its 2015…

  • Check out this mind-blowing keyboard solo

    At around 3’50” (3 minutes and 50 seconds) into the video: Total off-the-scale ripping keyboard solo! 🙂 There’s also another one at 1H 00’00” (exactly on hour) in the same video above. In the video below there’s another mind-blowing solo just after 5′ (five minutes):

  • No matter what else

    No matter what else is going on in life, no matter how crazy things are, I can always go running whenever I want. I can always play my violin. I can always attend another concert of heavenly, divine music. I can always give thanks.

  • Its so amazing

    Switching my diet, the best I can – and I understand that it can be difficult for anyone – but switching my diet to my fullest ability to eat only things I cook myself, to really eat a wholesome, sattvic diet of whole grains, vegetables, and fruits. And staying off immediate foods. We live in…

  • Small update on some of the new Chanel eyeshadow quads

    Its been about a year since Chanel came out with their new eyeshadow quad line called Les 4 Ombres, all of which are named “Tisse something“, which if I’m translating correctly means “Woven …”. For example Tisse Venitien, which is sort of the flagship quad which was featured in prominent advertising, means Woven Venice. My…

  • Hey! The new thing for the city!

    Hi! Guess what the new, super-in thing is in the city? You’ll never guess. Ok, maybe you will: #hateHealthyPeople Yes! Hate healthy people. If you see some person outdoors doing something like running, or even just existing outdoors while wearing running clothes – hate them! Yes! Go for it! What’s one way that you can…

  • Beautiful, small plant

    Was walking around the other day and noticed this beautiful, small plant living in a crack in the ground next to some kind of drainage grating.