A commitment to innovation and sustainability

  • Poison oak honey

    In some areas around where I live there is a lot of poison oak. It is one of the hardiest, most well-adapted plants to this area. Sometimes on an otherwise barren hill there will be no other plants growing except for some poison oak tenaciously clinging to the soil and rock. One thing about poison…

  • Finally came up with a plan for my hair

    So in my process to transition back to natural the past months have been difficult. After bleaching my hair several times it became lighter, but still not light enough to match my natural color. The disparity between the color treated hair and my natural color is too high. I did try to color my hair…

  • Really enjoying Pike Place Roast

    I know maybe it’s cliche or something. Starbucks stores are everywhere. But anyhow a couple nights ago I went to a store and finally actually bought a bag of decaf Pike Place Roast pre-ground. I’ve now made pour-overs of it at home several times and can easily say this is the best coffee I’ve ever…

  • The body apparently does not absorb genetic material from food

    A study from the National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark, finds no evidence that genetic material from food is absorbed in the human body where it would e.g. be able to change the body’s ability to regulate the cholesterol metabolism or influence the immune system. A major new study carried out by researchers from…

  • “Living” in my apartment

    “Living” in my apartment, and even being outdoors, is like being in the middle of Baghdad during the Shock-and-Awe bombing campaign. There is a constant barrage of outrageously loud booms. One vehicle that parks in the garage of my building – two floors below my apartment – is so loud it shakes the entire building.…

  • Hot tubs & jacuzzis & swimming pools & … urine. Lot’s of urine.

    Just sickening: slashdot.org: New Scientific Test Finds Up To 75 Liters of Urine In Public Pools Scientists have developed a test designed to estimate how much urine has been covertly added to a large volume of water. “The test works by measuring the concentration of an artificial sweetener, acesulfame potassium (ACE), that is commonly found…

  • 35-second tea

    A while back I started sampling some expensive teas just out of curiousity. Since then I found one tea that I really like. I will not write the name of it because it is a rare tea and I don’t want it to be publicized, but nonetheless it is a premium-priced tea that is basically…

  • New Year’s Resolution

    For some reason it feels like now is the new year time. Something about the days getting longer and the season now markedly shifting. Today for lunch I was inspired and made a tofu stir-fry and salad. I had a flash – an instantaneous vision of myself enjoying eating on a higher level. In order…

  • What is division?

    What is division? What does it mean when something is said to be divided? The opposite of division is unity. To be divided means to be separated. To be unified means to be together. To understand division I think it’s important to understand unity. Without a deep understanding of unity an understanding of division is…

  • I am here to blow your mind! (Schoko-Mint Madness!)

    LOL this is THE most amazing – absolutely mind-blowing – herbal tea you will ever make! Try this! fill 1 16oz glass salsa jar about 55% full with hot, pure water add about .6 teaspoon of dried organic tulsi leaf add about .8 teaspoon of dried organic spearmint leaf add about .3 teaspoon of dried…

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