A commitment to innovation and sustainability

  • Euthanasia as a cure

    Society selects some people to succeed and others to fail. It is not based on intelligence, talent, or good intentions. People are picked to succeed who have none of these, and others are picked to fail who have all. Depending upon the type of person and their capacity, if they are picked to fail it…

  • I eat 800 calories of rice each day

    I measured the amount of dry rice I cooked today as my meal. It was about 1 1/4 cups which is about 800 calories. Added to that is flax/evening primrose oil that I squirt in, plus toasted sesame seeds, plus a very large mixed green salad with more of the same oil, plus optional steamed…

  • Another amazing accident: Sprouted black lentils!

    I just had another amazing accident/discovery a few days ago. I had soaked some black lentils overnight, planning to cook them the next day. However the next day things were too hectic and I never got around to cooking the lentils. So that evening I put the still soaking lentils in the refrigerator. The next…

  • The Wisdom Diet

    It works! It really works! And its pure! And its ecological! This morning I weighed myself and my weight is the same as it was when I was 16! Many people, as they age, they go in the wrong direction. They gain weight. They become less healthy. Things go wrong. But not with me! I’m…

  • Reflection on dating apps

    I find dating apps sad. They break my heart. I don’t know why I’ve been thinking about them recently. Perhaps its going through my mind in the context of the world around me which, regardless of what I’m doing or where I’m directing my life, I have to some extent be aware of. One time…

  • Natural sleep aids for serious insomnia that really work

    Non-natural over-the-counter and prescription sleep aids are, quite frankly, nasty. One of the worst medications I’ve ever used in my life was Ambien (Zolpidem) which, while it does knock you out, it seriously messes with your personality and moods the next day, to an off-the-scale extent that more than nullifies the sleep benefit. It goes…

  • Favorite tea of the week

    Last week my favorite tea was a back-to-basics China black, orange pekoe tea. This week as a Summery variation and in celebration of lychee season I’m loving lychee black organic Keemun.

  • Dietary Fiber Intake Tied to Successful Aging

    …out of all the factors they examined — which included a person’s total carbohydrate intake, total fiber intake, glycemic index, glycemic load, and sugar intake — it was the fiber that made the biggest difference to what the researchers termed “successful aging.” Successful aging was defined as including an absence of disability, depressive symptoms, cognitive…

  • “Chronic stress vulnerability” from drinking as adolescent

    Drinking during early to mid-adolescence can lead to vulnerability to chronic stress, according to new research from Binghamton University, State University of New York. …it’s bad to have elevated levels in the long term, because sustained elevations in these levels of these hormones have adverse effects on a lot of body systems. So cortisol is…

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