A commitment to innovation and sustainability

  • A City’s Woes LMAO – Tamasic Foods

    nytimes.com: In San Francisco, a Troubled Year at a Whole Foods Market Reflects a City’s Woes The story should be how Whole Foods was taken away from it’s original founder by a sleazy, jew-run attack against him. Amazon got control. The bulk section has pretty much been eliminated. They now sell liquor[!]. And they have…

  • 2023 – The Year to Be True to Yourself and To Your People

    Make 2023 the year to be true to yourself and to your people on the deepest levels. Ways of Being True to Yourself and to Your People Don’t miscegenate.  The more the evil, jew-controlled, anti-White terrorist regime tries to push miscegenation on us the more we must resist and the more we must be resolved…

  • Covid Rates per Vaccination Status

    Blue is no dose, green is four doses.

  • Throw All Your Sunblock and Makeup Away

    Titanium dioxide nanoparticles which are prevalent in sunblock, cosmetics, and food coloring cause genetic damage. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3873219; Titanium dioxide nanoparticles induce DNA damage and genetic instability in vivo in mice

  • The Greatest Act of Medical Malpractice in History

    They’re now finally starting to openly admit that the Covid vaccines have caused serious medical conditions. They have murdered people and damaged many others for life.

  • τοξικὸν ϕάρμακον

    The English word toxin comes from Latin toxicum which in turn comes from Greek τοξικὸν ϕάρμακον (toxikon pharmakon) which means a poison for smearing on arrows. τοξικὸν in the original sense means "of or pertaining to the bow". When people think of toxins, they almost always think of material compounds consisting of chemical substances which…

  • Amazing deep blue-green active titlebar color

    Am really liking this active titlebar color. hsl(196.2, 58.1%, 6.7%) cmyk(0.735, 0.198, 0, 0.895) lab(6.16, -3.43, -5.45) Y: 0.07 Pr: -0.03 Pb: 0.02 Was inspired while using the YPbPr color slider on colorizer.org which allows you to select very discreet dark tones within a certain range of luminosity and corresponding hue. This color looks best…

  • It’s time to rotate your active titlebar color

    Hello all my pigmentphilious friends out there, it’s time to rotate your active titlebar color again. Today’s new color – intended to be used with a dark color theme such as my current favorite IOTA Dark – is a festive purplish color which will add some punch to your approaching Winter season and the generally…

  • Healing Earth Tones

    I’ve been experimenting trying to find a nice Earth tone color to use for the "active titlebar" of the plasma desktop environment. Often colors that are part of different themes that one finds are not earthy enough. A lot of desktop color schemes tend to be subdued and feature a lot of greys. However I…

  • Get HDPE Produce Bags if You’re Sick of Biodegradable Ones

    Finding produce bags you like is not easy. The new trend in many stores is to provide biodegradable bags. Unfortunately biodegradable produce bags are flimsy and, even worse, they have a strange stink that actually reminds me of poo. Just placing vegetables in such bags one time is enough to impart the poo scent onto…

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