A commitment to innovation and sustainability
Interesting photo from Paris, France 1939 or 1940
This was from a scene in the video attempting to show life in Paris as normal just preceding the German invasion. What is interesting about this photo to me is that the center entertainer does not have large breasts, as are standard nowadays. It makes me feel better, since I’m in the same boat, to…
Milled chia seed’s astounding benefits
I had known about chia seed for quite a long time. It is high in omega fatty acids and is also used as a fiber additive. It is for this latter purpose that I started using it a while back, in the whole-seed, unmilled form, adding it to aqua de chia which I wrote a…
Amazing stomach-soothing tea
Fill 16 oz glass jar with 2/3 full of hot pure water and add: 1 1/2 tablespoon freshly grated ginger 1 heaping teaspoon peppermint leaf 3/4 teaspoon comfrey root 1/4 – 1/2 teaspoon cascara sagrada 1/4 – 1/3 teaspoon stevia leaf Mix well with a plastic fork, let steep for 15 minutes, and drink.
“It must be wonderful just to jump into that bubbling pot”
“In this closed circle Eva Braun posed herself as the girl who was natural, healthy, joyfully physical.” — The World at War, E01 A New Germany … and women began screaming. It was like a mass religious ceremony. And I listened to his speech and I felt that more and more excited atmosphere in the…
The War Zone
I just wrote about how the realization came to me yesterday that where I am living is like a war zone. A place where multiple times daily and nightly the building literally shakes. The walls shake, my floor shakes, the furniture shakes, my bed shakes. Imagine what that is doing to my mind, body, and…
Transcending the War Zone: Step One
In my last post I wrote about my realization that the place I am living in – an apartment in a disgustingly grubby city which of fond of proclaiming how progressive, environmental, and green it is, how it is a “sanctuary”, is actually like a war zone. Just like bombs exploding randomly throughout the day…
Its Like a War Zone
Being in my apartment, I realized today, is like living in a war zone. The intense booms and rumbles that occur throughout the day and often at night are like bombs going off and heavy military machinery. I am not talking about the normal sounds of things like delivery or service trucks, but of noises…
The Revolution is the Solution
Without the revolution, it doesn’t matter who you know, what you’ve done, where you’ve been, nor what you have. If the revolution hasn’t happened in your life, you are nowhere, you have nothing, and you know nothing. Without the revolution I don’t want to hear anything you have to say. I don’t want to accept…
Latest healing tea variation
For the past while I’ve been adding a special herb to my favorite healing tea mixture. To repeat, the mixture that I love to drink daily, especially in the afternoon or evening but often in the morning as well, contains: Lemon verbana leaf Hibiscus (roselle) dried flowers Stevia leaf Previously I had been adding chamomile…
Who is that girl?
Who is that girl, in the hospital? Is that the girl? They raped her. I heard her scream. The illiterate thugs. Who stood up to them? “Its just their culture.” No one stood up. Now she’s in the hospital. Isn’t anyone going to stand?
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