A commitment to innovation and sustainability

  • Decline in HRT use not linked to decline in breast cancer

    There is no clear evidence that the decline in the use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is linked to a reported fall in the numbers of new cases of breast cancer, as has been claimed, suggests a study in the Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care. The stats and time trends neither back…

  • Olive oil makes you feel full

    “Olive oil had the biggest satiety effect,” reports Prof. Peter Schieberle, Head of the TUM Chair of Food Chemistry and Director of the German Research Center for Food Chemistry. “The olive oil group showed a higher concentration of the satiety hormone serotonin in their blood. Subjectively speaking, these participants also reported that they found the…

  • Children of Divorced Parents More Likely to Start Smoking

    Both daughters and sons from divorced families are significantly more likely to initiate smoking in comparison to their peers from intact families, shows a new analysis of 19,000 Americans. This University of Toronto study, published online this month in the journal Public Health, shows that men who experienced parental divorce before they turned 18 had…

  • Fried red beans

    Lately I’ve been trying to integrate more beans into my diet. With the onslaught of garbage food levelled against us all its important to make stands where possible. Lately I’ve been making a stand with my crock pot and beans. The other day I found a bag of red beans which I acquired at the…

  • Compound in roasted coffee reduces acid

    Lately I’ve been sampling different coffees at different places. One thing I’ve noticed is what seems to be a trend with lighter-roasted coffees being popular now. I don’t know what happened, but I had been enjoying coffee, then taking breaks from it because of adverse stomach effects, then enjoying it again. I’ve never been particularly…

  • Nice, natural-look foundation

    Since my favorite foundation, Chanel’s Mat Lumiere, has been discontinued, I’ve been experimenting and trying different products for the past weeks. Earlier this past week I decided to give Clarins a try and had a makeover/consult and was really happy with the result. I tried their Ever Matte SPF 15 Skin Balancing Foundation and liked…

  • Ending violence

    I want to reflect on violence because today is One Billion Rising day. To me the most primal form of violence is violence against the self, as in smoking, taking drugs, eating unhealthily, or other things. There is also violence against life, against the Earth, against the web of life of which we are all…

  • App to reduce mobile phone radiation exposure

    tawkon encourages a healthy lifestyle for mobile device users by empowering you to take control of your exposure to radiation, just like you do with the food you eat and the air you breathe. Apple has not surprisingly banned the app from their store, but it is available for Android.

  • Serum testosterone levels

    Female:  15 –   70 ng/dL Male: 300 – 1,000 ng/dL ng/dL = nanograms per deciliter Note: these are what are called the “total” testosterone blood levels CPT Code 84403-Total , not the “free” levels which is another test. Below are more detailed levels broken down by age group. Females 0-5 months: 20-80 ng/dL 6…

  • Calculate your new BMI

    There’s an article at bbc.co.uk about a proposed new formula for calculating BMI. BMI: Does the Body Mass Index need fixing? Here is a link to a site which calculates both the old and new BMI: ox.ac.uk: New BMI calculator

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