A commitment to innovation and sustainability

  • Another study on red wine

    Today I read an article about another study purporting there to be health benefits to drinking red wine.  I feel that such studies as this are highly deceptive.  They get disseminated in the media with headlines about health benefits of red wine.  But the real question should be: Is there any benefit to having red…

  • Facial Care Essential Accessory

    One issue that ladies with long hair face when going through their facial care routine is what to do with the hair.  Obviously one needs to hold one’s hair back when cleansing, and having it back while applying makeup also makes that process much easier.  Yet if you have curly hair like mine (type 2C/3A)…

  • More info that the microorganisms in us can control us

    I wrote a while ago about how it can sometimes be disgusting when someone kisses you, slobbering whatever microorganisms are growing in their mouths – and usually there are a lot of them – all over and possibly inside you as well.  Candida is a well-known yeast that causes infections in humans.  It can persist…

  • 3,000 Year Old Temple of the Moon God

    I’m still reading this book about the history of spices and the spice trade.  The book presents cumulative information from sources dating far back to ancient times relating to spices and their trade.  With almost every section on a different spice, it seems like it unlocks entire worlds. The most recent world I am reading…

  • Calorie Restriction Diet Calculator

    This cool site has a calculator which can compute your Body Mass Index (BMI) and Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) based on your height and weight.  Based on your amount of activity, it can then calculate the optimum amount of daily caloric intake for you.  Consuming below that amount of daily caloric intake means your diet…

  • Stop sitting up straight!

    Imagine hearing your mother telling you this, or a school teacher.  Yet it may be the truth. I always knew this!  LOL Sitting straight ‘bad for backs’ On another note, I once heard somewhere that, in the time of Jesus, people used to eat laying on their sides, in a kind of lounging out position.…

  • Gini Coefficient Correlation with Life Expectancy

    According to an article(1) that just appeared today on Alternet.org: Over 200 studies since the early 1980s have now documented that people living in societies where wealth has concentrated at the top of the economic ladder live significantly shorter, less healthy lives than people who live in societies that spread their wealth more evenly. The…

  • Plasma instead of drilling teeth

    An article in ScienceDaily.com discusses a new technology that involves using low-temperature plasma to disinfect decayed teeth instead of the current process of drilling.  This new process does not require mechanical/physical contact with the tooth! Article: Painless Plasma Jets Could Replace Dentist’s Drill

  • Importance of DHA for Human Nervous System Function

    90% of the omega-3 fatty acid in the human brain is docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).  It is essential (similar to all vitamins), because the human body cannot produce it itself.  More and more research is being done which reveals how vital this compound is for humans.  For example, it is known that during pregnancy a disproportionate…

  • Having a dog is ecologically similar to having an SUV


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