35 million tons of human flesh

Today I input my stats on a page at the BBC which rates where you are on the “Global Fat Scale”.

The result: My size is that of an average person from India.  If everyone in the world had the same Body Mass Index as me, it would mean 35 million tons less of human flesh on Planet Earth.

One thing I’ve found recently that is working very well at keeping that difficult-to-shed extra fat around the midsection away: I love the List of the Refined Processed Carbohydrates (to avoid or limit) diet recommendation at lasting-weight-loss.com.  But one major caveat I would give is to cut out all the animal products including fish and go vegan.

Having followed this diet strictly for months now I see that it really works.  Once very nice thing about it is that just following it is enough.  I never worry about how much I eat or don’t eat.  I just eat when I want.  I even overeat sometimes because it feels good.  But I never eat foods on this list above.

UPDATE: I just did the calculation for my mother and it says that her weight is similar to an average person in Ethiopia!  If everyone was her weight it would mean 56 million tons less of human flesh on Planet Earth.

The odd thing is, I don’t consider myself thin at all.  Nor does my mother, who, now in her late 70’s, has had about the same weight her entire adult life.  Neither of our weights has ever fluctuated more than about ± 10 pounds.