Shoulder ligament tear


My shoulder ligaments got torn when a man deliberately crushed me with the full force of his body into the ground as I screamed in pain repeatedly for help.  People stood by and watched and did nothing.

Later the police came and the man lied and said that I attacked him.  The police escorted me to the trauma center and from there to jail.  In jail I was repeatedly humiliated in front of multiple staff and inmates because of my gender.  I was forced to remain in a holding cell for a long time – far longer than all other people who had been processed before and after my arrival.  I did not have a blanket nor pillow.  There were bright lights on all through the night and extremely loud banging and slamming noises going on.

At multple times workers would come by the door to my cell and I would see them joking to each other because I am transgender.  After I had been scheduled to be taken up to different cell one of them joked with another “I don’t want to have to go up there”.

I am a female.  My driver’s license says so.  My federal social security information says so.  I have lived as a woman for 6 years of my life.  The workers in the jail repeatedly referred to me as “Mr.” and “sir” and “he”.  When I corrected them and said I was a female, they responded in an insulting and highly derisive manner with “But you’re a man, aren’t you?”  When I said no, they became even more derisive and said “But you have a penis.”  When I said that it is none of their business, that I’m a female legally, they only got more and more insulting and angry, and continued with “But you have a penis!”  “You’re really a man!”

I tried to get legal help afterwards.  The Transgender Law Center could have cared less.  I tried calling multiple attorneys who deal with human rights or gender issues and basically got nowhere.

In court, my attacker had a lawyer and I got steamrolled over.  The extent of the lies was shocking.  My attacker said that I was faking it with respect to the fact that I was trembling and crying when the police arrived.  He managed to get a restraining order against me, in what amounts to further assault against me, this time using the legal system to do it.

I have pictures of my neck with marks from where I was strangled for several minutes to the point that I couldn’t breathe.  I hurt to swallow for a week afterwards.  I have pictures of bruises under my eye, around my face, on both arms, my torso, and both legs.  I have a picture of a deep bruise that appeared beneath my shoulder because of the internal ligament injury.  I suffered pain and discomfort for 3 months in my shoulder afterward and it is still not back to normal.  My clavicle sticks up like in the first image.