New, more easy-to-digest trail mixes

Everyone already knows trail mixes. They’ve been around for years and there are certain variations of them. But years ago I stopped eating them because they were not optimal. They had combinations of ingredients that were difficult to digest, and some ingredients were just too harsh for my body. Other ingredients were clearly not that healhty. I’m sure many have had the experience of gorging on trail mix and then regretting it afterwards when one’s stomach feels like a rock.

But now there is appearing a new breed of trail mixes which use sprouted nuts and other ingredients. I’ve been trying different ones and have enjoyed all of them so far. They really are different and much easier to digest.

One I had had cayenne in it. Another one was a “local” mix that had dried blueberries, apples, and other interesting items. So far I haven’t felt ill at all after eating any of them and in fact my body seemed to want more and more like it was really nourishing me at some level.

None of the ones I’ve tried are cheap unfortunately. All of them were over $12/lb, in the range of $14/lb which is about the same for premium sprouted almonds. But these mixes are so nourishing they can really serve as a complete meal.

Here are some of the new ones:


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