New water enhancing formula idea

Lately I’ve been becoming more suspicious of stevia. I read somewhere that there are certain unknown things about it, but that it might actually signal in the body similar to sugars even though it itself contains no calories. In other words, it might trigger the same carb-processing or fat-storage switch that sugar does.

I think this may be the case. I just sense after drinking stevia-sweetened drinks that it is not neutral like water or other types of water enhancing things like the flavor essences that one sees now offered in many varieties.

I started to think: what could be good to add to water to enhance it, to add something to it, so that my body would enjoy it more, and that would be healthy?

Running through a list of herbs in my mind, I finally thought of something: Amalaki, or Indian gooseberry. One time when I was in the herb section at the health food store I got an herbal mixture called Triphala on the spur of the moment because I liked the name. Amalaki is a constituent of Triphala. I ended up getting pure Amalaki powder later. I suppose either might work for this idea since Amalaki seems to be the dominant taste in the Triphala mixture.

Using a glass jar that I think is around 32 oz but only 2/3 full, I added about 1 teaspoon of Amalaki powder. I also added a dash of pink salt. I got the salt idea from reading about what some people were doing with lemon-chia water. One Indian woman wrote on a site that it was a natural idea to put salt in it since that is often done with many things in India.

The flavor is really nice. Slightly bitter but also with a fruityness. It has this kick kind of like stevia does. I actually think I prefer the salt undertone instead of the sweet one of stevia. I think this could become a replacement for the stevia-based mixes.


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