Make a split – a complete split – with old models

The old models are dead ends. Don’t expect to be redeemed by them. Don’t expect them to empower.

People are stuck with the old models. They find comfort in them, even though they are dead ends. They have delusions of success which lead to more and more imbalance and suffering.

Its time to stop. Its time to completely stop, to make a clean break from the old models.

Of course one major difficulty is a lack of good, accessible models. Well, they exist. They are outside of this culture and they do exist. Start seeing with your third eye and you will recognize more and more of them.

Humans can create whatever they want but they have to go about it in the right way. They have to put their minds to it. They also have to put their hearts to it. Heart is needed much more than mind these days, in these times. But we need both. We need the heads on your shoulders but we need our hearts as well.

The heart isn’t a token thing. A soundbyte thing. A feel-good-then-forget-it thing. Heart is everything. Its something to sacrifice for. People bleed for heart. Some die for it so its no joke. Those who fail to take heart seriously do so at the peril of being cowards. Anyone too weak to break with old models only reinforces those models, the models of broken hearts, of broken dreams, of broken lives, of broken life.

Make a split now with everything that is old, that is broken. Be the seeker and the source of new models. Be the disciple of healthy models. Of loving models. Of divine, holy models.