The real reason

There seems to be this predominant thinking that aging is synonymous with a high probability of becoming obese.

I would like to say once and for all that this is complete bullshit. It is not true. It is only “true” because people eat shit. Because they put garbage in their bodies. Because they deviate – substantially and chronically – from what is healthy, right, and good.

Its not just about obesity either – I only mention it because obesity is by itself a very serious problem that is rampant.

The deviation of health is far more than just diet. In fact it may predominantly be not diet. Just the lack of basic Earth connection. People are cut off from the body of Earth. From sky. From Sun. From water.

People engage in all sorts of activities which they think they have to do, which they prioritize, all of which end up being empty and leaving them desolate. That is exactly how demonic energy works also.

Demonic energy rips people off, but only after dangling things in front of them as being worthwhile, desirable, necessary, or seemingly good. But demonic energy in the end leaves its victims – who are usually the perpetrators against others – desolate and empty. Like the Witch of the Waste in Howl’s Moving Castle after she visits the royal castle and is “restored” to her original condition.

Because she was possessed by demonic energy, instead of taking care of her true self, instead of valuing and cherishing her (and others’) true self, she artificially propped herself up. In the end, when the props were taken away, she was so much worse off.

The reason people age so horribly, and I’m sure why aging is so typically loathed among many, is because of poor care of the body. Not just one’s own body, but the body of all.

By not polluting Earth – by going on on a bicycle for example insteading of driving a motor vehicle – one is connecting in a vital, primordial way that is necessary for a human being.

I advise people who want to be healthy to be careful because even if they know things about being healthy, even if they make conscious choices to be healthy, and even if they apply their skill and wisdom to be healthy, because there is so much sickness around, it still gets absorbed.

Its important to be clear and affirm one’s wisdom, skill, and health, and to not accept the negative things which come from those mired in the sickness – things like guilt, doubt, negative feelings, etc.


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