Agua de chia next to my bed every night

Agua de chia – I fill a 27 oz. stainless steel container with water, juice from one lemon, 2 tsp. chia seeds, and a little bit of honey. It stays fresh a lot longer in a container like this. I like to keep it next to my bed. In the morning when I wake up it is the first thing I take into my body. Its an excellent way to wake up.

I also use agua de chia when I want to clean out. When I stopped drinking coffee not long ago, I turned to agua de chia as my accompaniment throughout the day. Think how much healthier it is and how much happier the body is to be providing this to it than coffee.

There are times when I feel like abstaining from food for maybe half a day. Agua de chia is a great accompaniment to mini fasts.


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