Detoxing does exist and is valid

I am saddened by an article at which I just read entitled “You can’t detox your body. It’s a myth. So how do you get healthy?” I would like to say unequivocally that detoxing does exist, is real, and is something that many people into herbs, healthy foods, supplements, and other things, do all the time.

To describe how detoxing works I think its important to first describe “toxing”. “What is it that is toxing?” one might ask.

I think anyone but a complete idiot recognizes that in fact there are many ways people can and frequently do get toxed. When a person gets toxed their body comes under stress. For example, smoking will tox the body. A person is inhaling smoke containing a lot of nasty chemicals into their lungs. The tissues of the lungs are irritated and worse. The entire cardio-pulmonary system is harmed.

Once the nasty chemicals are in the bloodstream they travel through the body and damage and irritate tissues throughout. There is no question about any of this. Only a total idiot would not accept this.

So, in just this particular context alone, what would be meant by detoxing? Let’s say a person ended up smoking – or smoking a lot causing even more stress and damage to the body and its tissues. Now it is the next day and they want to detox. Only a complete idiot would maintain that there is nothing that can be done to help the body heal and recover. There absolutely are things that can be done which can help the body immensely. To claim otherwise I think borders on malpractice.

As just one example, a person might drink an herbal tea made from an infusion of hibiscus, orange and lemon peel, and other herbs. These herbs are definitely, unquestioningly going to help the body heal. Even just drinking hot water itself would be healing and help detox. But the antioxidants and other compounds in the herbs are unquestioningly going to benefit the body and help it recover far beyond not using them.

The same can be said for many other types of toxing. One other type that is common is from eating bad foods. I think its pretty clear to anyone what bad foods are. A person could OD on sugary foods for example. Or just really crappy junk/snack food. Afterwards the body is unhappy. The digestive system is stressed. Other parts of the body may be stressed too. There definitely, absolutely are things that help the body in this situation. There are herbs which will soothe the stomach. Cinnamon, comfrey, marshmallow, cascara sagrada, and dandelion all come to mind when thinking about detoxing related to digestion. To claim that there are no things which exist for detoxing is wrong and highly negligent.

There are a couple major uses of herbs. One is as a therapeutic intervention to help the body heal/recover from stresses, ailments, etc. Another is ongoing use of herbs to maintain optimal health of the body. There is no question that these processes exist and are real. I simply cannot understand how the Guardian could have published such pure rubbish as it has.

I wanted to mention one other form of detoxing that is very healthy and which everyone should engage in on a regular basis – massage. There is no question that massage helps the body. Massage helps drain the lymphatic system and there is no question that this is highly beneficial for the body. It also helps in the removal of toxins such as lactic acid from tissues. Runners get massages of their legs after long runs specifically to help expedite the removal of lactic acid in the muscles. This is detoxing. It is real. To claim that it does not exist is bullshit.

Finally – and the authors seem to have liked dwelling on this one – the colon can have a buildup of feces in it. This is often called constipation. Taking an enema will help flush out the feces. This is a form of detoxing and there is no question that it exists and that it is highly beneficial.

Wtf is up Guardian?


Here are a few other detox practices I recommend:

  • Eating an apple. There is no question that this is good and healthy and detoxing for the body.
  • Having a cup of herbal tea such as with hibiscus, lemon verbena, lemon balm, burdock root, citrus peel, apple or other fruit pieces, and/or many other herbs. There is no question that this is very healing and beneficial for the body and very detoxing.
  • Going swimming. There is no question that swimming can greatly help the body including with detoxing.
  • Hiking somewhere natural and inspiring. There is no question that hiking in a natural, inspiring place helps the body. The fresh air, the Sun, the gentle walking, the positive feelings – all these are definitely beneficial for the body and help it detox.
  • Finally here’s one of my favorite ones: into a glass of pure water squeeze one lemon. If so desired add a tiny amount of honey. There’s no question that drinking this is highly beneficial for the body. Especially if one is doing it with a sense of willpower – for example they might be drinking this instead of having a cup of coffee or some junk beverage. This is detoxing – and empowerment – at its finest.