So primal

Something about going to the ocean is so primal. So rejuvenating. So blissful. Just standing at the shore as the waves lap at one’s feet and occasionally crash ecstatically in the distance is so healing.

I’m so glad that I at least have a place that I can go to, that I can access by riding my bicycle, that is primal, pure, and healing. Despite all the yuckiness everywhere these days, when I’m by the ocean I feel so together again. No rules of stupid human society have any precedence nor relevance of any kind there. It is a place where the sea, the wind, the sand, the Sun, and my body and heart reign supreme.

Today was the second time I decided to try a mussel. There’s something so primal about eating a raw mussel as one perches barefoot upon a rock at the shore.

Today I also learned that climbing is all in the mind. I didn’t climb up any cliffs today. Instead today I inspected. I learned that just inspecting the routes, carefully examining the topology of the cliff is the same as climbing. Climbing is all in the mind. If I can examine the cliff carefully I can see where I could go and also now am beginning to see where its not possible to go.

Having a mind is so important. Of all the tools at the disposal of a human being, the mind is supreme. Before one even exerts any energy in an endeavor, one can already have accomplished the endeavor with one’s mind. Then the actual act of undertaking it physically is almost trivial.