Amazing healthy snack

A couple weeks ago I started getting addicted to Chocolate Nut Crunch trail mix. I did not want to read the ingredients because I knew that I would not be happy. I just wanted to enjoy eating it and believe that it was ok, it was not too bad.

But then, of course, a few days ago I did read the ingredients. Its not like it contains Plutonium or anything. In fact the company that makes it is committed to organics and non-GMO ingredients. But: cane sugar and dairy. I’m actually thinking though now that the whey powder was probably good for a person like me who would benefit from it, even though I don’t really want to consume dairy. But the sugar is one thing I really would like to avoid.

I started thinking about what really made me addicted to the trail mix and there is one ingredient above all others in it that I really love: the peanut chips. They are just so good.

So I decided to do a web search for a more natural form of peanut chip and found chocolate-covered Katie blog’s recipe.

Went to two different natural foods stores neither of which has peanut flour, so I opted for some bulk organic smooth peanut butter. I got a good deal on 32 oz maple syrup. I don’t know about using maple syrup regularly – it is highly carbon intensive as it requires an enormous amount of boiling of the maple sap to make one gallon of syrup. I think the ratio is something like 30 to one or something ridiculous like that. But I also remember growing up in Ohio/Pennsylvania and getting maple syrup from the people who make it in season. I guess this one-time breach is ok just for this one snack? Actually it will be good to experiment with different sweeteners. It might turn out that stevia works well, or perhaps something else.

So anyhow, the idea is pretty basic, following the recipe from the chocolate-covered Katie blog: just mix peanut butter, coconut butter, and maple syrup. Also, I added a twist: add cacao powder. Also, add a little bit of salt. Really high-end chocolate confections – like Belgian truffles – always use salt. Some even have chunky crystals of salt on the top of the truffle.

I used about equal parts of peanut butter and coconut butter, maybe a little bit more of the peanut butter. Then just pour in some maple syrup to taste. I think an equal ratio of it is a bit high but whatever. Then just add in some cacao powder to taste. Stir it around really well. Eat and bliss out!

Ok, and I’m also going to borrow Earl from the chocolate-covered Katie blog because this is so amazingly good!


Don’t touch my chocolate-peanut-butter-chip-cream!


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