
This video was made a while ago and received press. But it never received close to enough attention.

If you have watched this video, then I have to ask this question: Is this right? Is it right what this women has to endure in her life as she endeavors to conduct her affairs in the world? Is it right that she cannot walk down a street in her city and not be bothered by people?

As far as I can tell, most people out there will actually answer yes to this question. To most people, there is nothing wrong. If the woman is bothered by those guys giving her attention then it is her problem. She deserves it anyhow. Doesn’t she? She shouldn’t wear provocative clothes then. She should cut her hair or at least tie it back. Isn’t that what most people think?

What that woman goes through is what I go through every day of my life in my city. Only what I experience is worse. Because not only do I get the perverted, creepy side of it like she does, I also get the side of the bigots who hate transsexuals.

As far as I can tell, most people are more than happy to stand by and watch me get harassed. As far as I can tell, most people think that I must deserve it. Because of the way I look. Because of how I dress. Etc. What really sickens me are the self-righteous bigots who actually blame me when I try to defend myself against harassment and abuse in what amounts to victim-blaming. America is a victim-blaming culture of self-righteous bigots who are more than happy to watch someone like me get harassed and abused.

It is sickening that most people are willing to watch a person get sexually harassed in this culture. I am especially sickened at how many females are that way. One would think that a woman would sympathize if she sees another woman being victimized, but in my experience many woman are more than happy to watch another woman get harassed if not secretly happy to see it happen out of resentment or jealousy. I’m sure there are many females who probably do not get sexually harassed so I guess to them anyone who is just deserves it.

And to guys, if they see it happen, they just see the woman being harassed – as in the video – as being some kind of cold bitch. Because, yeah, if she doesn’t respond to every asswipe and creep spewing shit at her every day, you know, she’s such a bitch.

All I can say is that the United States is an extremely fucked up pile of shit. If I had a way to emigrate out I would do it immediately.

There need to be more videos done, in cities like Tokyo, Beijing, London, Paris, etc. Let’s see how America compares. I already know the fucked up answer. America is a rotten pile of shit and only getting worse. While the entitled class sit behind their protective shields, claiming to promote human values, the results of their actions and policies is the blood that is spilled that the never see. What I see in America is a sick, disgusting country highly devoid of basic, fundamental human rights and managed by incompetent fools.

In America, sacrifice of human and other forms of life is considered an acceptable part of the system. One day people will learn that any profit gained through blood will one day become a thousandfold loss.

One other thing is that Edward Snowden revealed that the federal government of America routinely engages in felony sexual abuse. There are people in prison for doing the same thing, but because it is perpetrated by the government nothing has been done.

Have been watching a documentary series about the history of World War II and all this makes me wonder: Is this the America that those people fought for?


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