Astoundingly amazing salad seasoning

Just tried this absolutely astounding salad seasoning today. Salad was a mix of organic butter lettuce, kale, arrugula, and spinach. Then added atlantic dulse flakes as per usual (always use in salads on usually on rice also) and some pink sea salt. But then also decided to add some pieces of nori. This is not the processed sheet nori that one finds in asian markets, but bulk nori from a natural foods store which in my opinion is way more wholesome. Then also added some organic dry-roasted peanuts. For dressing used organic extra-virgin olive oil and some amazing Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinaigrette. Also sprinkled on some organic toasted sesame seeds.

Totally mind-blowing!

Its so energizing and blissful it makes me feel like dancing or kickboxing!