Pain. Trauma. Assault. Agony.

Yesterday evening I was deeply violated. It occurred in my own home. The violation was committed by an employee of the school across the street who drives a car that is deafeningly loud. The car is a rolling human rights violation. As I write these words now another violation has just occurred.

The employee appears to be a Mexican illegal. There are a lot of Mexicans here and many of them drive vehicles deliberately modified to emit loud noise. They have turned this area into a cesspool of continual assault. Frankly I want all illegals immediately deported from the United States. And all employers must be required to use E-Verify.

These acts of assault against my body occur all the time. They occur in my home and they occur whenever I’m outdoors. They represent a serious disease that is afflicting my home, my street, my community, my city, and I know also my state. To what extent they affect other states I do not know, although in none of my travels back to the Midwest did I once witness anything like it.

I cannot endure this. My health has broken down and I have become mostly dysfunctional. I quit. I quit this game. Its all a lie.

I was thinking about what is really occurring. What is it?

What it comes down to is that some humans fail to love others. Think of what goes on in the mind of people who are committing these acts of assault constantly as they drive around. They do not love the people around them. They are deluded and ignorant.

I read about places in the news where bombs are going off. But then it is no different here, actually. On a spiritual plane its basically very similar, just a slight shift upwards along the continuum.

I think about all the suffering and hell realms that exist. Some beings will reincarnate into realms of great suffering. During their precious lifetimes as human beings, while they had the faculties to devote themselves towards loving their fellow creatures on this planet, they did not use those faculties for that, but instead chose to assault and violate others.


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