Organic honey under threat due to widespread pesticide use

Its sad news: The use of pesticides is so ubiquitous and so extensive that organic honey is now under major threat. America’s Pesticides Are Threatening Organic Honey

This is very much the kind of America that I see President Obama and the oligarchy as having led the United States to, along with all the other extensive damage, in their process of the Walmart-ization of America.

Even though organic food is more popular than ever, his administration has adamantly supported “conventional” agriculture – i.e. the disgusting, big agribusiness companies which bribe Congress extensively – and basically ignored organic agriculture and its core values. His appointing Vilsac as the Secretary of Agriculture almost immediately after initially getting into office was a clear sign that he did not give a fuck about the environment, about health, and about the tens of millions of American citizens who want to protect and preserve our environment and eat healthy.

I sincerely hope that, as part of his anti-oligarchy stance, President Trump will take steps to block the agribusiness giants’ stranglehold over Congress and enable organic agriculture to thrive.

Honey is the only “animal” product that I really consume and I usually only have it a few times per year under certain circumstances, usually related to respiratory infections. Yet I still think its important to care about what happens to honeybees and apiaries.