All the ghastly sex abuse going back to the 60’s

I’m taking a programming course right now in the language Python which, very unfortunately is named after the “comedy” troupe Monty Python. I put comedy in quotes because so much of what they did was so banal, puerile, crude, and frequently crass that it does not really qualify as humor.

Monty Python engaged in oftentimes dark humor that was explicitly sexual in a grotesque sort of way. In Prabhuphada’s commentary to the Bhagavad Gita he mentions how being in a position of great influence over a society and misusing it to lead people in a wrong direction is a very grave sin. The blood of the thousands of victims of abuse and violation is on their hands.

It is not just Monty Python, but Benny Hill and many other things of that era were extremely warped and damaging. Even the “comedy” tv series MASH had highly inappropriate content. And now, decades later, we are reading about how all this ghastly sexual abuse occurred for years and years – all beginning in that time period.

It is no coincidence. And grave societal abuse has continued and no doubt there will continue to be grave consequences manifesting for decades to come from this insanity.

American, British, and Western European societies have committed severe acts of self-abuse and self-destruction. We are witnessing things now which are simply off the scale. We see how the moral compass has become so completely distorted that it is like a collective brain damage as societies proceed headlong to destroy themselves and everything they once stood for.

This truly is one of the saddest things that could be happening on Earth. Earth is a receptacle for Divinity, yet Earth is careening along a path of impending destruction and suffering on a vast scale – self inflicted by organisms which should have been the foremost ones to love and nurture it, not to betray and damage it.

Being does not care about the delusions which can afflict humans on mass scales. No matter to what extent vast numbers of human beings succumb to delusions and thereby seek to codify and reify the delusion in their societies and in their environments, Earth will not care. Reality will come crashing down when the horrible consequences of mass delusion manifest after being suppressed.

Only you have the power to stop the insanity. No one else can do what needs to be done except you yourself. You have the power to listen to the voice of wisdom and higher teachings and follow a course apart from the masses steeped in cycles of destruction.

I encourage you to strive your strongest. Be as strong and bright as possible and only follow yourself and your highest spiritual guides as a reference. Be courageous and abandon darkness and seek the light.