I finally figured out how to make coffee identical to Starbucks

Making coffee identical to Starbucks isn’t simply a matter of getting a bag of Pike roast coffee from the store and making it at home. As I suspected for a long time, the temperature of the water is key. If the water is too hot the coffee will not taste right. For me coffee made with too hot water also upsets my stomach. This is not a minor issue, it is a major issue and can mess me up.

The process begins with heating water in my inexpensive Bodum electric water kettle which I got at a local retail store:

Once the water is boiled I open the lid on the kettle to allow the steam to dissipate and the water to cool more quickly. I set a kitchen timer for 4 – 5 minutes. (Still experimenting with the time.)

I use an inexpensive plastic coffee filter similar to this but even cheaper:

I use a non-bleached paper filter, wet it, carefully scrunch it so as not to tear it, and spread it out in the filter. I then use a heaping coffee scoop amount of Pike roast coffee grounds (can use decaf, mix of decaf/regular, or regular) into the filter.

When the timer goes off close the lid to the water kettle and slowly pour the water over the grounds. It only takes about a minute to fill one cup. I like to put my unsweetened organic soy milk into the cup before I begin pouring the water.

When finished pouring stir the coffee and it should be immediately ready to drink at a nice temperature, not too hot.

You will find that making coffee with water that has had 6-7 minutes to cool has a nicer flavor that to me tastes more complete.


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