Amazing deep blue-green active titlebar color

deep blue-green color
To better view the color, try clicking on the image to see it in a full-screen window against a dark background (may only work if your desktop color theme is set to dark).

Am really liking this active titlebar color.

hsl(196.2, 58.1%, 6.7%)
cmyk(0.735, 0.198, 0, 0.895)
lab(6.16, -3.43, -5.45)
Y: 0.07 Pr: -0.03 Pb: 0.02
Was inspired while using the YPbPr color slider on which allows you to select very discreet dark tones within a certain range of luminosity and corresponding hue.

This color looks best – it is designed to be contrasted by – a dark background.  Even the default window background color in "dark" themes may not be dark enough to bring out the subtleties of this color.

Note that low-gamut displays may not render the wonderful subtleties of this color.