Align With Your Body and the Wisdom of Nature

The most perfect nourishing compounds for your skin and hair are produced by your own body and naturally excreted from your skin and scalp. All compounds placed on skin and hair interfere with these most superior natural substances produced by the body and designed with the highest precision over hundreds of thousands of years of evolution.

All these different products are marketed at people. Many brands promote themselves as natural. All of them are wrong. All of them are bad. Many many products that are marketed as natural are also very toxic.

Skin and hair are designed to stay healthy naturally, without any need for washing. Exposing hair to water, especially hot water, is detrimental to hair inasmuch as it interferes with the natural waxes and oils the body produces which are supposed to coat it and protect it. The idea of ‘clean’ is a marketing scam.

Yes, there are parts of the body which are good to clean with water and mild soap. I even recommend shaving hair in some places which vastly reduces bacteria and hence also foul odor. Beyond that, you only need a gentle deodorant to prevent offensive odor.

But that’s it. That’s literally all you need and should do.

People jump on the bandwagon as personal care industry promoters and can make millions of dollars. It is evil. People need to be led to health, nature, wholeness, and simplicity. People also need to understand that the highest beauty is natural.

The beauty and personal care industries are all about imbalance, dependence, disruption, and toxicity.

Flush all your products down the drain. Align with your body and the wisdom of nature.