Author: soma

  • Take the water pledge!

    During the time of my pledge I pledge that my only drink will be pure water. The pledge can be for a half day, day, several days, longer, or forever. It has to be pure water. It cannot be tap water and should not be low-quality filtered water which is basically tap water. Reverse-osmosis water…

  • How to self-administer an intramuscular injection

    I am not a physician and this is not medical advice. I am not responsible for any injury, illness, or accident caused by reading this. However I have self-administered intramuscular injections for many years and have learned a lot over the years. For the first few years I would frequently have pain after injecting which…

  • The effect of being in the city

    The continual exposure to deafeningly-loud noise when one is outdoors in the city. Being blasted out in one’s own home. Feeling one’s bed shaking from the noise. The disturbance it causes to the mind and body. Blastingly loud motorcycles. Loud trucks and cars. Blasting stereos. This is what being in the city makes me feel…

  • Cruelty

    Cruel, adj. – Of persons (also transf. and fig. of things): Disposed to inflict suffering; indifferent to or taking pleasure in another’s pain or distress; destitute of kindness or compassion; merciless, pitiless, hard-hearted. – O.E.D. Disposed to give pain to others; willing or pleased to hurt, torment, or afflict; destitute of sympathetic kindness and pity;…

  • My favorite cosmetic product

    I have a new favorite cosmetic product which I’ve been happily using almost daily for months now: Mineral Fusion Illuminating Beauty Balm. I tend to be picky with cosmetics but I love this beauty balm. It compares with the best foundations. It has a great texture and lasts well. It forms a good base for…

  • Methamphetamine is disgusting

    Every now and then I get asked – usually via txt – “Do u party?” Do you know what “party” means? First of all, it does not mean party. What it means is: Take methamphetamine and have sex. First of all, methamphetamine is fucking sick. Its disgusting as hell. It is appalling, rancid shit. All…

  • I’m sorry world

    I’m sorry world. I don’t know what the hell you’re doing anymore. Airplanes flying around in the sky advertising booze to the masses below. Loud cars, choppers, and monster trucks everywhere – rampant violation of humans’ basic right to peace. No peace in this world anymore. I don’t know why you’re this way, or what…

  • Nighttime relax tea

    Here is an amazing tea to drink at nighttime. It is very relaxing and will help with sleep. I find that it also helps relieve headaches. Passion flower leaf Chamomile flower either: Spearmint leaf -or- Lemon Verbena leaf Stevia leaf -or- a few drops of stevia extract This is what I’ve been drinking every night.

  • Pain. Trauma. Assault. Agony.

    Yesterday evening I was deeply violated. It occurred in my own home. The violation was committed by an employee of the school across the street who drives a car that is deafeningly loud. The car is a rolling human rights violation. As I write these words now another violation has just occurred. The employee appears…

  • Males in yoga class? Disgusting.

    Males should not even be allowed in yoga and other mat-based fitness classes such as Pilates. Notice the type of “men” that go to yoga classes. They are not real men, but always these creepy, gross, disgusting deadhead-types. Real men do not take yoga classes. Men do resistance training and cardio. Personally I love men…