Author: soma
My New Favorite Foundation
After my last post about my favorite foundation you may wonder how I could already have a new favorite foundation but I do. In fact though my new favorite foundation is actually a combination of Diorskin Nude Air serum foundation plus either Diorskin Star foundation or Chanel CC Cream. To apply it I first shake…
Working out fundamental themes
These are my TED themes. They are the basic ideas that I would present and also the guiding themes that I would follow if I were President. Even if I’m not President I will still continue with this. 1. Humans have gone too far in creating comfort to the point of damaging themselves and many…
Opening Up New Realms with Miang Kum
A few days ago I was out of town and when I was at the only grocery store in the area the only organic lettuce they had was butter lettuce. Butter lettuce is normally not my thing. It is rather plain and I much prefer some type of leaf lettuce, the darker the green color…
Astoundingly amazing salad seasoning
Just tried this absolutely astounding salad seasoning today. Salad was a mix of organic butter lettuce, kale, arrugula, and spinach. Then added atlantic dulse flakes as per usual (always use in salads on usually on rice also) and some pink sea salt. But then also decided to add some pieces of nori. This is not…
Regardless of what one may claim, state, or ascribe to
Regardless of what one may claim, state, or ascribe to, if one is not following a path of wisdom then one is only propagating suffering. There is an immense amount of evil, but the solution to it, the path to overcome it is simple. Yet there are not enough willing to stand.
Abuse cancels everything
If you accept abuse then there is nothing that I want to hear from you at all. When there is abuse it is game over. Things that are elective, things that people opt to do, and which constitute harming others, that is abuse. It may be argued that there are inevitable consequences of things considered…
Interesting bicycling experience
I forget my keys today. My neighbor was not in nor was the building manager, so I just left on my bicycle towards downtown to do my stuff, thinking that one of them had to be back when I returned. But then when I got downtown and was parking my bicycle I realized that I…
The gifts of freedom
I just came across a very powerful teaching of Buddha that I want to share. A while back I tried writing about something similar to this. About the idea of not just not doing certain bad things, but the idea of being able to create good realms. For most people know that they should avoid…
More toothbrush drama
I got all these different toothbrushes and tried them all, but was not satisfied with any of them. All of them are rated soft or extra-soft. Then, not long ago, I got a Fuchs Medoral Adult Duo Plus in medium softness and really liked it. This made me think that one issue I may have…
Basic Coffee Maker – Finally I can truly enjoy coffee as a beverage
I don’t know if coffee is good or not. I do know that my system does not tolerate even moderate amounts of what is considered normal coffee at any of the plethora of coffee shops that exist everywhere, where it is usually very strong, much stronger than I ever remember it being when I was…