A commitment to innovation and sustainability

  • Caucasian curly hair and African hair are completely different

    I’m just going to come out and say this: Caucasian curly hair and African hair are completely different.  Any website, forum, or product line which attempts to market to both is either incompetent or else greedy. The care for Caucasian curly hair and African  hair is different.  The hair types are different.  Structurally they are…

  • Silicon-based conditioning sprays

    Silicon is great for hair. It has excellent conditioning and anti-frizz properties and, when used correctly, does not leave hair greasy nor weighed-down.  When you have curly hair, especially if it is fine or color-treated, you want to keep it moist but you also don’t want to weigh it down with heavy conditioning products and…

  • My tea from China arrived today

    I know a lot of teas actually come from China, but today the package of the first-ever tea which I ordered directly from China arrived. It is a premium-grade Phoenix Dan Cong oolong. I put it in a Japanese tea container (chazutsu = cha (tea) + zutsu (cylinder)) but have not yet tried it because…

  • Late-night snack in 1374

    It’s 1374 and you’re hungry for a late-night snack. I wonder if people even really had late-night snacks then. Probably not actually. They would make sure to eat well during the day, during their regular main meals. Still, I often like to have a bowl of oatmeal or buckwheat porridge as a late-night snack and…

  • HEPA air purifier

    Was never so glad as right now to have a good-quality air purifier. My windows are shut and the purifier is running on max and it’s helping.

  • Advice if you are getting electrolysis treatment

    This advice has been acquired through experience. 1. Before treatment cleanse skin thoroughly with a gentle cleanser such as Nutribiotic Sensitive Skin cleanser which I highly recommend. 2. Do not apply anything to the skin prior to treatment. This means no lotions, serums, oils or: 3. Numbing cream – do not use. Areas like the…

  • Embarrassed to be fat??

    If I’m too embarrassed to go out and workout outdoors because I’m fat, bloated, or whatever then I’ll never go out. I’m a creature of Earth. I love my body. I cherish it, no matter what. Some days I may feel less than 100%. My body may be disrupted from stress, poor sleep, constipation, or…

  • This soup is a lifesaver

    Even though I ran almost 5 miles yesterday, I didn’t have much of an appetite today. I had a bowl of steel cut oats for breakfast but wasn’t hungry for anything for lunch. But I had this can of Amy’s Indian Golden Lentil soup in the kitchen and decided to heat it up and have…

  • Ocular migraine

    Today I experienced what I think is my first ever clear-cut case of an ocular migraine. It is normal sometimes for there to be a little flicker in one’s vision. My understanding is that this has to do with the fact that the eye requires a large amount of oxygen, and hence blood flow, to…

  • I don’t eat a lot of soy. But I *do* eat soy.

    Was having a convo with someone earlier and they recommended that I stop consuming soy.  We were discussing many things and it was only in passing that it was mentioned, so we didn’t get into it in any more detail. But now I’m still thinking about it.  I just think: I don’t understand there being…

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