A commitment to innovation and sustainability

  • Its Vitamin D Season!

    Pretty much anywhere you live in the Northern Hemisphere right now the weather is decent. The Sun even at midday is not too hot. This is prime season for getting some serious sunlight on your skin! Get outside and spend some happy time outdoors if you can. This time of year you don’t have to…

  • My Philosophy About Running

    I thought I would take this opportunity to chime in regarding my observations and thoughts regarding running – specifically, outdoor running through the city. Running outdoors through a city, where one potentially encounters many people who are also out, is different than, say, running on a treadmill in a gym, or running on a secluded…

  • The wisdom of Uncle Pom

    Uncle Pom: Sheeta, I must tell you something. Sheeta: Yes? What is it? Uncle Pom: That crystal is extremely powerful, but with a power that rightfully belongs to the Earth from which it came. To forget that and then to try to use the crystal’s power for selfish reasons will bring great unhappiness. Do you…

  • Fake Service and Companion Dogs

    In California now there is a law that forces landlords in residential units which have a no pets policy to accept tenants pets when they are either service or, much more dubiously, companion dogs. Everyone I’m sure knows what service dogs are and they are very essential for people who actually require them. No arguments…

  • Chia Seed, Basil Seed, and Omega-3

    I think I posted about this a while ago. While chia seed is very popular for its fiber and high level of omega-3, I was curious about basil seed, which is a similar seed from the same botanical family. Basil seed is also known variously as sabja, sabsa, selasih and tukmaria in India1 There is…

  • “Is it ever right to try to create a superior human being?”

    That is a headline of an article today at bbc.com. I didn’t read the article, but know that it is about either gamete, egg, or embryo selection and/or modification. Disregarding that however, without reading the article, I would respond: Is it ever right to not try to create a superior human being? And I wonder…

  • The Insanity

    It is absolutely insane. Things that are occurring right now in America are totally insane. One of them is the fact that there is sugar in almost everything. I just read a list These Foods Have More Sugar Than A Krispy Kreme Donut at huffingtonpost.com and the list is a good indication of how sick…

  • Interesting photo from Paris, France 1939 or 1940

    This was from a scene in the video attempting to show life in Paris as normal just preceding the German invasion. What is interesting about this photo to me is that the center entertainer does not have large breasts, as are standard nowadays. It makes me feel better, since I’m in the same boat, to…

  • Milled chia seed’s astounding benefits

    I had known about chia seed for quite a long time. It is high in omega fatty acids and is also used as a fiber additive. It is for this latter purpose that I started using it a while back, in the whole-seed, unmilled form, adding it to aqua de chia which I wrote a…

  • Amazing stomach-soothing tea

    Fill 16 oz glass jar with 2/3 full of hot pure water and add: 1 1/2 tablespoon freshly grated ginger 1 heaping teaspoon peppermint leaf 3/4 teaspoon comfrey root 1/4 – 1/2 teaspoon cascara sagrada 1/4 – 1/3 teaspoon stevia leaf Mix well with a plastic fork, let steep for 15 minutes, and drink.

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