A commitment to innovation and sustainability

  • Funky thiols in shiitake mushrooms

    I’ve noticed it in multiple episodes that my urine would suddenly start having this really strange, sulfur-type odor. It would often last for days. I checked online and found that urine odor can be a sign of a UTI. I also at one point wondered whether it could be caused by shiitake mushrooms but every…

  • Trippy keyboard exercise

    Tonight I stumbled upon a trippy little keyboard exercise: switching hands. So far I’ve mostly been playing bass clef with the left hand and treble clef with the right hand as is normal. But then I thought why not try switching hands so that the left hand is playing the treble part and the right…

  • Meandering through music land

    Meandering through music-land, came across this inspiring piece by Couperin: I know everyone has their preferences, but I find the articulation in this interpretation outstanding. EDIT: Just read the comment below the video and the poster said the same thing 🙂

  • Astoundingly beautiful bokeh

    Modern Japanese dramas are known for their artistic cinematography, including sometimes city night scenes with the most astounding bokeh.  Below is a screenshot sequence from a scene in a drama I watched recently but which I unfortunately cannot remember the name because I’ve watched so many:

  • Amazing and Cool Scenes in Dramas

    Above is a grocery store in a drama where one of the main characters works part-time.  All the little hanging decorations in the upper part of the image look so cool. Above is a restaurant run by one of the characters in another drama where a lot of the scenes take place.  I seriously wish…

  • Beautiful & Amazing Clothing in Dramas

    Watching a drama right now where this one character is always dressed in the most striking and beautiful clothes. I love this dress she’s wearing in this scene! It seems like the perfect design and the perfect material.  It looks so comfortable to wear and so sexy and chic. In another drama I watched recently…

  • So primal

    Something about going to the ocean is so primal. So rejuvenating. So blissful. Just standing at the shore as the waves lap at one’s feet and occasionally crash ecstatically in the distance is so healing. I’m so glad that I at least have a place that I can go to, that I can access by…

  • The joy of climbing like a monkey

    I never really planned it or thought about it, but over the past months it is turning out that I actually really like to climb steep slopes on all fours, sort of like a monkey. I know there have been instances throughout my life that I have climbed things like that, but recently it has…

  • Instantly rebalance your mind and heart when working on a computer

    Instantly rebalance your mind and heart when working on a computer with a stuffed animal. If you have a favorite stuffed animal who you love, every now and then take a few moments and just hold it. Close your eyes for a while and just feel the good energy of being close and the warmth.…

  • Seeking treasure

    Today I realized that I am authentically one who is pursuing treasure. The treasure I am pursuing cannot be bought with money. I also seek to live in a world of treasure-seekers like me. I wish everyone, everywhere, could have the courage, wisdom, and strength to seek out the treasures around them. I like the…

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