A commitment to innovation and sustainability

  • The city is so toxic

    The city is so toxic now. There’s crap in the air – bacteria or whatever from all the shit and filth in the streets. It gets kicked up and if you spend any length of time in those areas you breath it in. Now mix this with all the exhaust and particulate matter from motor…

  • I finally figured out how to make coffee identical to Starbucks

    Making coffee identical to Starbucks isn’t simply a matter of getting a bag of Pike roast coffee from the store and making it at home. As I suspected for a long time, the temperature of the water is key. If the water is too hot the coffee will not taste right. For me coffee made…

  • Exchange by a fitting room

    Standing outside a fitting room, looking in a mirror to see how a top fits. Woman who works at register nearby passes by and I ask “How does it look?”. She has advised me on other pieces previously. She seems busy but hurriedly says “It looks ok!”. Just then another woman, who I saw earlier…

  • It’s that feeling again…

    Could it be God coming into my stereo?? I think it might be…

  • Get balance

    I don’t care who the fuck you are. Get balance in your life. I get ready for bed in the evening before it is even dark. I wake up as early as possible. I never drink alcohol. I never use drugs. I never smoke. I do my best to engage in brahmanic cultivation which means…

  • Fried Millet

    Fried millet is simply one of the best dishes ever. Making fried millet is very simple. Just cook millet in your rice cooker. You can steam some vegetables on top if you have a steaming tray. Today I steamed broccoli stalk and carrots. When the millet is done put it in your wok. My favorite…

  • Müesli

    Müesli is an extremely healthy food. It combines oats with nuts and fruit. Now that it is Summer with so many excellent fresh, organic fruits available it’s like peak müesli season. How to make müesli: Start with quick oats. You only need 1-2 handfuls to serve as the base. Raw rolled oats are good for…

  • fish, then tofu…

    A few days ago I did something I haven’t done in a long time. I bought a small amount of fresh, wild salmon and ate it. I prefer not to cook it. I dipped it in tamari sauce and it was excellent. Because fish is such an intense food I will not eat it every…

  • Happy Solstice!

    Today is a special day for all creatures on Earth. For those of us in the northern hemisphere of Earth its the longest day of the year. For those in the southern hemisphere its the shortest day of the year. Try to make it a special day. For me I was up early this morning…

  • Thank you God

    for controlling my stereo. Love the jams! ❤️️ 🙏

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