Wondering about sugar & candy

I was reading this brochure from a company that makes probiotic products and they state that sugar is actually good for probiotic microorganisms.  They love it.  They feast on it and it makes them grow and flourish.

So now I wonder, because sometimes I do get a craving for something sweet and, after eating it, I actually do feel better, as though my system needed or wanted it.  Of course, the problem is that it is difficult to control the cravings and impulses the body experiences from sugar.  It takes a long time to discipline the body, if it has never been disciplined, to be able to handle infrequent sugar fixes.

I can only speculate that for someone who is not grounded in terms of dietary discipline it could easily lead to imbalance.  But if one can handle the occasional fix and not lose one’s balance, perhaps there is benefit.

I notice that most of the time I really don’t have a taste for sweet things.  Many sweet foods in fact taste sickening to me.  But sometimes for some reason I find something like an organic candy seems to give me a boost.  I wonder if its because the midichlorians inside are feeding happily and flourishing?

Perhaps, if one is strict as I usually am, consuming no artificially-sweetened foods, the midi-chlorians become weak?  Does eating something sweet recharge them?  If so, how long does one “charge” last?

I also wonder about the relation between different activities in the body and their metabolic requirements.  For example, if one is burning a lot of mental energy, perhaps the metabolic requirement for that type of activity requires or does well with a boost of sugar?

These are just ideas I think about and have in the back of my mind all the time.  I suppose one day there will be more studies on this but actually its more fun to just think about it and use my intuition.