Blocked ears when going from outside to indoors

I’m creating this post to put this information out in order to see if this is something anyone else has experienced.  Something happened today which has happened before and I am trying to come up with an explanation.

I was bicycling outdoors and the weather was not really cold but a bit brisk.  Then I went from that environment with the brisk wind blowing past my head into a really warm, indoor environment at a store.

My ears became blocked.  Sometimes its just one ear, but today it was both ears.  when it happens its really annoying because its like my hearing is diminished but the sound of my own breathing becomes amplified inside my ears.

I was standing in line at a register and it was really getting to me.  I was plugging and unplugging my ears with my fingers as I stood there and trying to do special types of breathing which clear out the eustacian tubes, all to no avail.  It was at this moment that I made the connection that this condition might come from the abrupt change from engaging in a high-respiration activity in the brisk outdoor environment and then very abruptly changing the environment to indoors where it was warm.

I also wear earplugs on a daily basis and have no doubt that that might contribute to the problem.  Yet still I think that if I had not gone out the ear blockage would not have happened.

Also, when I went back outside on my bicycle it seemed to go away.  I wonder why this happens then?