Amazing healing

About 11 weeks ago my shoulder was injured in an attack in which I was crushed against the street by a large, heavy person. Something happened to the ligaments – the AC ligament and possibly the other ligament which is under the joint.

The continual pain I had reminded me over and over of the attack. It was very traumatic. I kept feeling terrible, and then I would spiral down thinking about how the damage to my shoulder may be permanent.

But yesterday I had an amazing healing experience. I went to an acupuncturist and he put needles around my shoulder, as well as on my feet, the inside of my achilles’ heels, near my navel, on my forehead, and the back of my hands.

Then I laid there for a long time. He put a heat lamp thing over the shoulder to warm it. I laid and laid and focused on a couple things. One was relaxing. I let go over everything. I took deep, full breaths and let my heart rate slow down. I tried to calm my mind.

And, while I was doing that, I said a prayer over and over in my head in Sanskrit asking for liberation. I also offered deep thanks in my praying.

I am still traumatized by what happened. The lump on my shoulder has not gone down yet, but it may be far too early to see what will happen. I was told the healing effects from acupuncture can take a couple days to fully manifest. And there will definitely be more sessions. The effects are definitely manifesting today and even right now as I am typing this I can feel intense energy in my body and especially in my shoulder.

There is no question that what I did in seeing the acupunturist was the most healing thing I could have done. Even the trip out to where the practice is was liberating. I used to live out there and forget about how serene it is there, in contrast to how its been near where I live.

I even went to a nail salon afterwards and had my toenails done. The woman at the salon was also a healer. It amazes me how life is. Someone doesn’t have to have a degree or be a licesnsed therepist to have the wisdom and healing words that one needs to hear. There is a lot of wisdom out there in the world although sometimes we can get isolated from it.

I forgot how radically different it can be only several miles from where I live.

I reflected a bit on my living where I do, close to the center, and am trying to understand it in a positive light. I want to think that I can serve a purpose here, that in some way I belong here where I am and that, beyond the things I experience as sometimes detrimental, there are positive things.

I do not know what the outcome will be for my poor shoulder. But I do know that I took wise and healing steps. Today I felt such a release that I was dancing alone in my apartment, totally blissed out. I realized something while dancing – that as long as I can dance and feel bliss like that, everything will be ok.

That bliss is life. In that bliss I transcend all the pain, the sorrow, the things which limit. That bliss is who I am and where I am going. It is my past and future and I want it to be my present as much as possible.


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