Holiday observation

Why the hell is Crisco legal???

Ok, yesterday I visited some lady friends of mine and was offered some cookies. My friends did not actually make the cookies, much to their credit. But, every year around this time they get loads of free candies, cookies, and other foods given to them.

So yesterday they offered me some cookies. I had one and it initially reminded me of ones my Mom used to make. It had this anise-sort-of flavor to it. But I think that was about the end of the similarity.

After eating about 4 I realized something was wrong. My teeth were coated in the most disgusting grit and it felt like there was an explosion of destructive bacteria growing in my mouth. It is a day later and I can still sense the cookies in my body, even after running 5 miles today and fasting half the day.

I also had to brush my teeth extensively three times with an electric toothbrush, and rinse extensively multiple times with mouthwash to kill off whatever bacteria started attacking my mouth from eating the cookies.

When I look around and see how many sick people there are it now doesn’t surprise me. I should not be surprised anymore. I cannot believe that anyone could create something as terrible as those cookies. I don’t know 100% for sure if they were actually made from Crisco, but my guess is that they had to be. Crisco and white sugar. Yeck!

The good thing is, that is it for me. I will probably not crave another cookie again for like another decade.

Today I made black lentils and salad with leaf lettuce and lancelot kale. I also had some Indian triphala powder which seemed to help a bit. I rummaged around my shelves and was overjoyed to find a small jar with some in it.

My Christmas present today was running 5 miles and making my body 15 years younger.


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