Reflecting on Cruelty

I’ve written in the past how, whether they realize it or not, people worship different gods. They may not – and many if not most certainly do not – recognize that they worship a god, but people do.

And I’ve been thinking about what’s going on in the world, how people are, everything. I’ve been thinking about big pictures about where society is and where people’s souls are at.

One thing that seems clear to me is that we are in a new age of cruelty. Underlying all this tech stuff, underlying the way people treat – or fail to treat – each other is cruelty in different forms.

As one example, take this new ad campaign by Nike:

What we have here is completely twisted and highly intertwined with cruelty on many levels. First, we have a company that’s so notorious for it’s sweatshop labor that it has been boycotted for years. This company decides to run an ad campaign and hires a guy who is noted for having basically been fired from the NFL for refusing to stand during the national anthem which is played at the beginning of every game.

People have pointed out the absurdity of a high-paid multi-millionaire doing this. But more to the point – the anthem protests were supposedly about solidarity with Black Lives Matter and and about the oppression of black people.

Black people as a group are extremely cruel. That is why they engage in so much crime. That kid who was shot and killed after having robbed a store and then later reaching for a cop’s gun – was cruel. The kid in Florida who attacked the guy who probably was being a little bit overzealous in patrolling the housing development – was nonetheless cruel.

Every time I read in the news – daily – about some blacks stealing things, stabbing people, attacking people, shooting people – it’s all about cruelty. The fact is that there wouldn’t be this supposed problem being protested if these people weren’t cruel. But they are cruel and I can verify this by my own personal encounters on multiple occasions. The cruelty starts with them at a young age.

If you have ever had the misfortune of living near or being near blacks there is one thing that you learn: If you want to be happy, healthy, and safe – stay away from them. If you notice them anywhere – stay away from them. When you see them in front of you on the street – cross to the other side. You can say that this is racist, but the fact is that this will significantly extend your chances of not being robbed, assaulted, or killed.

This guy made the fatal mistake of not crossing the street.

If black people weren’t so vicious and cruel then maybe this supposed problem wouldn’t exist. It certainly would make things radically different. So what’s the point of the protest? To support cruelty? The point of the ad campaign by a company that is almost by definition cruel?

Other things are cruel. The replacement of white people and the flooding of their countries by vast swarms of invaders is exceptionally cruel in many ways. It destroys the social cohesion of communities and obviously it’s extremely damaging environmentally. Then there are the rapes and sexual abuses occurring in Europe from the migrants, something so exceptionally cruel that it can only be considered demonic. Islam at its core is misogynistic and cruel.

Our country is being flooded with vast numbers of immigrants both legal and illegal and it is turning the country into a dump. The beauty and the wholesomeness of non-sprawling towns is being lost as cities sprawl out and more and more strip malls and factory farms are built to accommodate the influx while the elites are profiting from the mass immigration and destruction. This is an act of profound cruelty against the American people and against Earth herself.

Finally, there is the tech industry, something with which I’ve also interacted. Between the time of it’s inception and the time of Big Tech it seems that there has been a shift away from a more wholesome mindset to a cold, cruel industry. Alien foreigners are imported in huge numbers to work at these companies which are literally hostile to America. The mindset among these people is cold, atheistic, arrogant, and self-righteous.

To me people like these tech barons are at their core level cruel people, regardless of how many tin cans they donate to charities. These people made a turn at a fundamental level from using their talents as human beings with the pure intention of benefiting humanity to instead being greedy. The Internet that we have today and so much of the technology that exists is not being made with the pure intention to benefit the world. It is not the Internet that a healthy Earth should have. It is a sin to waste the precious, limited resources we have on Earth for the sake of greed.

There is also a cowardice that is resurgent because of the tech thing, and cowards are the most cruel people. Cowards are weak, and people who are weak tend to be the most cruel.

Whether people realize it or not, they worship gods. And the selfish god that is worshipped by so many today, who is so popular though unnamed, is a god of cruelty.

Which is why eventually this society will fall.