Surround Yourself with Pleasant Things

Once when I was reading about my dosha I remember it mentioned something about it being good to surround myself with earthtones or something like that.

Ever since that time many years ago the idea stuck with me. Surrounding oneself with something like earthtones isn’t just a matter of if being aesthetically pleasing. It can actually be something we need.

I am finding this to be true. I’m not rich and I don’t live in some nice, natural place with a garden and an orchard, with maybe a stream running nearby, and the sounds of lots of birds and other wildlife surrounding me. I’m generally surrounded by a lot of bullshit like outrageously loud motorcycles that stupid asswipes deliberately modify to make them harmful to people.

Occasionally I’ll notice a really high-end luxury European sports car go by and I don’t mind those as much because they are amazing machines and I really appreciate the engineering and incredible craftsmanship that goes into making them.

I just wanted to write this post because sometimes putting on relaxing music or lighting some incense can be more than just something that’s aesthetically pleasing. Sometimes it’s necessary for our well-being.

For whatever it was worth, that dosha thing I read got me to think about this, and I realize that I probably don’t even know a lot about this area yet, but at least I’m kind of aware of it now!


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